Sunday, June 16, 2024

Early Sunday Evening - The Water

 Early Sunday Evening

The Water

Every now and then, I have a few days, or maybe even a week after wonderful ~ that are hardest.

It's during that time, that I set the rest of the time of who I will be.  How I will act.  What thoughts will control my actions.

If that doesn't even make sense to you, let me explain.

When negative thoughts come.  With self-doubt arrives.  When insecurities rear their ugly head.. no matter how much is realized that they aren't true --- still, they break in.

And they steal joy.  Happiness.  Confidence.  Faith.

To just name a few things disrupted in their path.

That last word, faith.

That's really where the core of it all lies I've discovered.

The seed of faith that we were all given.  The one we are all born with?

It's the watering part that we forget as humans I think. 

Just the watering part.

A seed of faith?

You must water a seed in order for it to grow.  You must.

So why would we doubt the seed of faith within us doesn't need to be watered. 

As the negative, the doubt, the fear attempt to intrude,

you just pour on the water of what you Know.

What your soul tells you.  Your intuition.

And how do you know to follow that?

Well, I read once, I cannot remember where, that when our intuition or our soul tries to guide us, it's a feeling we get deep within.  It brings the eventuality of peace.

It truly is easy to confuse that with fear. That feeling we get about something.  My intuition?  My gut feeling?  or is it Fear?    And I have struggled with that.   I have come to understand, for me, how to tell the difference.

The guidance from my intuition, my soul -- is sometimes quiet.  Gentle.  Strong.  Positive.  Realistic.  Always brings Peace tho.

But if I begin listening to the fear and confusing it with the truth - it leads to turmoil, confusion, doubt, and never peace.

Once that realization became firm within me, it made the complete difference in everything.   Because everything begins with our thoughts. 

So now when the fear.... disguised as echoes of the past...or disguised as fear for the future or as untruths or negative thoughts of today,,,, when it arrives, and it will, I can understand what I am feeling and why.  I can know this is fear.  This is not a feeling from within.   This is not my gut feeling.   Not at all.

This is fear. 

This is Not peace

Formed from past trauma.  Formed from the deception of others.  From unkindness.  From self doubt.  From being told things about myself from others who were only feeding their own fear.

This can make up the disguise. 

So when it comes, as it did today for me.  It is short lived.   And I will not feed it.  But mostly I will not water it.

The only thing I will water in the life remaining for me is love, truth, joy, hope, faith, kindness, devotion and belief in the good.

That's where my water will be poured.

It's a choice we make.

The grass really is greener where we water it.

Our home

Our car

Our family

Our spouse or partner

Our job

Our friends

Our spiritual beliefs

Our life.

The next time you doubt. 

The next time you complain about someone or something, 

pour the water on.

See what you love about the person, the place or whatever it is you are complaining about

Focus on what you love.  See that.  Appreciate that.  

What is the water tho...... you might ask?

Its the smile.   The understanding.  The giving in just a bit.  The kindness.  The compassion.   The truth.  The acceptance in who someone is.   The not trying to bend and break people and places to our own will 

The Love.

That's what the water is.

For me, my choice will be to water what I have.

And if more comes, or if less comes,

I'll water that as well.


Much love to you all.

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