Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Principle Series - Dr Wayne Dyer - Part Three

 The Third principle Dr Dyer speaks of in the video is

Treat yourself as if you already were what you'd like to Become

or already be what you'd like to Be

Our thoughts shape so much of our lives.

Remember the old saying..

If you think you can't, you're right.

Every action, every moment, every thing in our lives begins with thoughts we have.

So, See it.  Think it.

Envision it.

Imagine it.

Put yourself in that space, in that place

in your mind, with your thoughts.

This really is profound.

Let's say there's something you wanted to be.

Like a teacher?

And many years passed and there was never any time for college, much less the money.

There were children to feed.  Laundry to do.  Relationships to deal with. Bills to pay. Groceries to buy and on and on....

But always, the thought held in my mind how I would have loved to be a teacher.  To go to work everyday and be a leader.  Inspire them.  Make them laugh.  Let them learn, let them see through their own eyes but to always give encouragement and leave a lasting memory.

So I've always thought of myself that way.  Even still.

And years went by.  And what I did for a living evolved from years of hard work and even a little bit of college time.  But I didn't become a teacher.   I worked well with numbers.  And accounting.  And office settings.  And car dealerships.

And a year ago, at sixty years old, I accepted a new job.  And I became their office manager.  I have been a office manager for a long time.   But now I am responsible for about forty people.

And am I their teacher?  

Well, yes, when I train them in a task.

Am I their leader?  Yes, I lead by example and encouragement.

Do I inspire them?

They tell me that I do.

That one thought, I've carried with me since the days as a child I would line my stuffed animals up, get out my big chalkboard and teach them.

I may not have ended up in a classroom, but I've ended up as a leader and a teacher.  And I've only realized it now, it's always been there and its always been happening.  

For anything -- a relationship.  a home. a job. a place...a dream...

See yourself in your thoughts already there.

Already there.

Then, you will act upon those thoughts.

You will act upon those thoughts.

The action to Everything begins with a thought.