Sunday, June 9, 2024

 June 9 2024

A early Sunday evening.

Whispering Horn has been dormant for a year or so.  

Her former posts added to my personal archives.

This year I turned 61.

This year I finally began to see who I am.

Accept who I am.

Even like who I am.

It's been a journey tho.

I remember when I was young, my mother would fuss at be about being too passive, too easy going.  Too trusting.  Too willing to see the good in everyone.

She would say -- Don't wake up and you're past fifty!!

And I feared that.   I really did.   But this year, this 61st year, not only did I wake up I realized that it wasn't actually waking up at all.   It was my journey.   My path.   Each stone throughout my life had to be there.   And some were bad, in fact they were terrible, some weren't so bad.   And there was laughter.  And joy.  And the sound of small children laughing and calling me mommy.    And today, this year, even with my shortcomings and failures, they love me.   And I love them.

But now I feel ready.   Well, almost ready.   Closer than I've ever been before.

Ready for what?  you might ask.

Ready for me.  To accept things as they are.   To know that I am what I need to keep happiness in my life.   Appreciation.   Even of solitude.    That ones been hard on me.  But I'm getting there.   

So I decided to start up this blog that I've had for many, many years again.

Not to share too much about my personal life - I won't do that.   But to share ideas, inspirations, overcoming and learning to like who you are... step one to loving yourself.

That's the secret.

That's the key.

We all have thoughts and sometimes we have negative thoughts about ourselves or situations that matter to us.    But the learning of how to control those thoughts?  The journey to the realization that you are pretty wonderful.   Pretty extraordinary.  Valued.  Loved.  Missed.  Needed.  Wanted.  Understood.   The things you might wish for or want, are already there.   They are already there.

This is profound when your mind begins to realize this as well.   Your heart/soul already knew.

So... hiya to my followers who even still, have messaged me and asked me when Whispering Horn was coming back.

She's back.

And she's full of honesty.  Truth.   Trust.  Integrity.  Loyalty.  Discovery.  Laughter.  Joy.  Strength.  Conviction.  Persistence.  Patience and Love.

And Whispering Horn?

She's back too.