Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Principle Series - Dr Wayne Dyer - Part One


Tonight, I will begin a series on this short Wayne Dyer video.   The video is only about thirteen minutes long, but Dr. Dyer covers a series of principles.

For the past few years, I have used may of his teachings to reach where I am today.

Maybe by sharing these things with you, it will help you on your path, wherever that may be.

I only want to say... Don't you ever give up on You.  When you reach the place of self love, self worth, self devotion....you will know.   And still, there is more work to do but the work becomes easier.  I promise.

Tonight's principle is Giving Up Your Personal History.

Carlos Castaneida once said... "One day, I finally realized that I no longer needed a personal history.  And just like drinking, I gave it up.   That and only that has made all the difference in the world"

All of us have bags of manure... or shit... or bullshit that we carry around from our past.  Our personal history.

Full of people, places, happenings, things.....

We bond to this stuff it seems.  We grow attachment for it because it's been there for so long.  We sometimes grow unhealthy attachments to people as well.   Wounds of our pasts.  Maybe we don't even realize that we identify ourselves with this stuff.  

Dr. Dyer encourages us to Merge ourselves into the now instead of the past.

It's quite a journey to do that.  It's not easy and it takes a lot of work.   It demands a love for yourself that a lot of us have never had but it's a love that we will never find elsewhere.  See, I've discovered, you gotta love yourself fully, completely, honestly... in order to receive love from another.   In order to give love to another.

All those things you may have wanted to share with someone else, will fall into place if you only give them to yourself first....  Devotion.  Loyalty.. Trust..Honor..Friendship..Compatibility..Joy..Silence..Laughter...


All with yourself.

All for yourself.

Dr Dyer said Give up your personal history.  Merge yourself into now.  Right here.  In this moment.

Embrace your past.  Hold it close.  Understand that you had to be there in order to be here.  You had to.  And all the evidence you will ever need of that is that You Did.   You will never need any other evidence but that.

You Did. 

Then, toss it away.

Release it to the wind.  the sea.  the mountain or into the light.

Just let it go.

The attachments to your past.  

You don't need them anymore. 

All this time, you have been waiting for you.   All this time.

The realization of that can be profound.

Believing for so long that your past is the cause of your struggles, your depression, your sorrow is an illusion.

Give it up.

Let it go.

Detach from it and let yourself be right here.  Right now.

What do you feel?   Stronger?  Closer to yourself?  Able?  Clearer?  Confident?  Appreciative of who you are... who you really really are?


I do.

Maybe you will too.   Just make a promise to yourself.   Right now.   That you will never give up.  You will never let the past swallow you up.   You will continue on the journey and you won't ever give up on yourself.  You need You.

And one day, maybe soon, you will be so grateful that you never gave up.  On yourself.

The video is only about 13 minutes long.  
I only talked about the first principle he spoke of here.
Next Tuesday, I'll talk about the next one and share same video.
I encourage you to listen to it and think on it.  
I hope his words and teachings help you always.
The work can be hard to overcome and let go of the past.
Sometimes it gets downright ugly.
But believe me when I tell you...
it's so worth it.
are so worth it.

Much love to you all.